News Crew Mystified By Equipment Malfunctions While Touring Bridgewater Triangle Hot Spots

When Fox25 reporter Melissa Mahan contacted me last month to ask me to take her and the film crew out to some of the hotspots of the Bridgewater Triangle, I was happy to oblige. It sounded like an adventure...and an adventure it certainly turned out to be.  On August 7, 2014, Fox 25 featured the Bridgewater Triangle on a Zip Trip to Bridgewater. (Fox25's Zip Trips are live broadcasts from a various featured Massachusetts towns.) Fox25 filmed the town tour of Bridgewater on August 4. I met the crew near Bridgewater State University and we set off for our first location. And that's when the trouble began.The shot should have been easy: Fox 25 reporter Melissa Mahan driving into dirt parking spot in the Mazda Zip Trip Car, stopping, opening the door and introducing herself to me.  But the shot wasn't easy. We had to do at five takes due to "technical difficulties."

The microphones had failed on camera. Jennifer, the camera woman, kept trying different microphones and to her bewilderment, those all failed too. Finally, she took out an old fashioned microphone, shrugged her shoulders and said, "This is how we do it old school ." The crew was half laughing, half genuinely spooked. I was the only one NOT surprised. After all, we were in a hot spot of the Bridgewater Triangle and camera malfunctions, battery drains and equipment failure isn't an UNUSUAL occurrence here.

The last time I had been to Styles & Hart Conservation area--the site of an infamous Bigfoot encounter in 1978--I found a dead bird hanging from a tree, a large ring of quartz stones and a 1950's Pepsi bottle sticking straight up out of the ground (it was worth $75!)  It would take a lot to surprise me.
Next we all caravaned back into our cars and headed to our next location on the other side of Bridgewater, to the town line of Raynham. Lake Nippenicket is a body of water that has had so many tragedies over the years, swimming has been banned in this lake that has an average depth of a mere three feet. I was taking them to one of THE heaviest energy spots in the whole of this bizarre area called the Bridgewater Triangle, so what happened next did not surprise me either. Heading down a long dirt road into the infamous Hockomock Swamp, Jennifer's Go Pro camera started to malfunction. She said it "just went nuts" and started flashing and going static. Again...I was not surprised.

When the Zip Trip episode aired, I was FINALLY surprised. They used all that happened with their equipment malfunctions for the piece. I thought that was daring and I loved it. Here is a clip from the Fox 25 Zip Trip visit to the Bridgewater Triangle and my little adventure with Melissa Mahan.

To see the whole Zip Trip Segment of the Bridgewater Town Tour, click here.

Melissa and I at the shores of Bridgewater Triangle hotspot, 
Lake Nippenicket,
known to locals as simply, "The Nip."


Anonymous said…
Damn..! I saw that segment on the news...Melissa M, yooozahhh ! I wish I was there & I wish they went More in depth on the subject and with the footage ( a hour )...I wish to do a haunt hunt via canoe, who's in ? reply
spiritual forces are at work obviously. i write about them here. if you like check em out.


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