He Moves In Mysterious Ways: The Strange Path of Bigfoot In the Bridgewater Triangle

When I decided to publish a book of Bigfoot reports in the Bridgewater Triangle, I didn't expect to find any surprises. I knew the stories: The Bridgewater "bear" hunt of 1970, when police were deluged with calls of sightings of a seven-foot tall bipedal creature; the Joseph DeAndrade sighting of 1978; the Bigfoot close encounter of John Baker in Hockomock Swamp. And finally, a rash of sightings in the southern area of the Bridgewater Triangle in 2009 investigated by Bigfoot Field Research Organization Investigator, David Brake.

No, I did not expect to find any surprises in compiling my research on the topic of Bigfoot in the Bridgewater Triangle and presenting it in a straight-forward, no frills, information-based report really written for die-hard Bridgewater Triangle buffs. But I did find a surprise. A revelation if you will. And I have to admit, I was excited by my discovery.

When I went to create a map that plotted each location of the encounters cited in my book, I noticed a pattern started to take shape. It was a path! From north to south the sighting locations were almost in a straight line. Here is the first map I created:

"Bam!" I thought, as I put the last point on the map in North Dartmouth. And Kristen was pleased. Then Kristen counted the points on the map she had created and realized that she missed one: The John Baker sighting of 1980 in Hockomock Swamp. The only Bigfoot sighting in the triangle that actually occurred INSIDE of Hockomock Swamp. Kristen was no longer pleased.

Back to the drawing board, I set forth to create a new map. And hoped and that Baker's sighting point would land in the path that had emerged on my map. But I knew it was unlikely. Hockomock Swamp is to the east of the Bridgewater Triangle Bigfoot path, but I still held out hope. I even contacted a family member of Baker's to confirm his location site. I plotted the point then zoomed out on the map. And just as I was afraid of, it fell out of the path to the east. It ruined it, I thought. But did it? Where Baker's was the only sighting to happen in the swamp, his sighting kind of falls out of the pattern, doesn't it?

To see the map with Baker's sighting on it and to learn the details of the Bigfoot reports of the Bridgewater Triangle, check out my book, "Bigfoot in the Bridgewater Triangle: Published Accounts of Sasquatch Encounters in Southeastern Massachusetts, available now digitally through Amazon.


Anonymous said…
Joseph M. Deandrade himself done seen it, it stank.
He has a tape, why can't I buy a new copy? locate him and request.OK.
Anonymous said…
your ize will be ope end.
Anonymous said…
Cool stuff...I want to do a haunt hunt via canoe through the swamp...who be in with me ?- reply to:PhantomRocker007@Yahoo.com

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