Flying Saucers, Baseball & Fireballs in the Bridgewater Triangle

1-23-2014 Correction: The Abington sighting was in October of 2012, not October of 2013.

A recent wave of UFOs have been sighted in the area of the Bridgewater Triangle, as well as all over the world. These sightings differ immensely from the flying saucer, metallic-colored disk shaped sightings of the crafts sighted in 1940s to the 1960s and the triangle-shaped  craft seen by many in the area in the 1970s. These UFOs are glowing fireballs flying in formation. Usually five—sometimes six--glowing spheres, sometimes moving at incredibly high speeds, sometimes rotating in formation.

The first of these local sightings was on October 12, 2013. Five orbs floated in over the Boston skyline and were captured on video by a witness in a nearby Boston skyscraper. Here is a clip of the sighting.
Two nights later, these same objects would be seen and captured in Abington, this time zipping toward Boston.

A month later, on November 20th, A Bridgewater University student would see them again in Bridgewater, and would also capture the sighting on video.
Many others saw this sky event in the area. And some were reported to the National UFO Reporting Center. Two of these reports were also about sightings in Bridgewater on the night of November 20th. One witness saw six “orange fireballs” in the sky moving “slowly in a pattern” and then disappearing one by one. Another reported seeing the “orange lights rising into the sky”, subsequently curving into a circle formation and again, disappearing one by one after about five minutes. Another Bridgewater witness reported seeing “six lights in formation of the Big Dipper-then looking closer, they moved changing formation. They were hovering over a house fairly low. I pulled over to photo them. As I did again they changed formation till they were in a vertical straight line. Then they went up and disappeared.”

Many other sightings of the same phenomenon were reported from the towns of Hanover, Weymouth, New Bedford, and Swansea, as well as Bridgewater, in a ten week span from October to early December.
This recent rash of sightings inspired me to research waves

of UFO activity in southeastern Massachusetts, from Boston to the South Shore. I dug into newspaper archives to see if there were other times in history where mass sightings were documented. I wasn’t disappointed. There was indeed. I found some absolutely intriguing (not to mention BIZARRE) accounts documented in the Boston Globe. The most unusual of these being a mass sighting in Boston over Braves Field in 1947.

On July 11, 1947--just two days after in infamous Roswell Incident--the Boston Globe reported the following: 

"Greater Boston stepped into the lead in the new American past time--spotting flying saucers--when 200 persons in one group 200 sighted one of the elusive disks flying over Brave's Field floating so low over the field during the game that it was in danger of being shattered by a high flying ball.” 

Nearby at the Magazine Beach Club in Cambridge on the Charles, an estimated 200 beach goers witnessed the “flying disk.” 

Irving Appleby, manager of the Magazine Beach bathhouse in Cambridge, backed up by 200 persons who were on the beach who saw the disk. And 200 people can’t be wrong. Appleby was quick to declare, “I don’t know what it was, and I am not a crackpot. But we saw something and looked like a saucer. He claimed the disk was only about four feet in diameter and appeared out of a large cloud floating by. The disk then “glided toward earth” appearing to land someone around Brighton, after a near collision with power lines.

Another very unusual mass sighting occurred in 1972 when hundreds of South Shore residents witnessed a “silvery, triangle transparent object” moving west between 8 and 9 pm on the Fourth of July. The craft was seen in the towns Cohasset, Hingham, Marshfield, Hanover, Rockland, Hanson and Whitman.

Dozens of calls came into Weymouth and Hanscom Naval Bases. An Air Force representative confirmed that they received many calls about the craft from nervous citizens, but declared, “We don’t know what it was.”

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